Welcome to Our
Organic Style Vegetable Garden

Meadow Creek Farm

Five Good Things of Organic Foods · Explore Other Farms · Helpful Organizations

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Grab a handful of soil from your vegetable garden. Has it been so drenched with herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides that it seems virtually sterile? Or does it teem with earthworms, insects, and microorganisms of all sorts? If your soil is pulsing with life, chances are that, knowingly or unknowingly, you are applying the principles of organic gardening.

Organic gardening often involves methods of improving the quality of garden soil using natural biological substances, One of its aims is to foster an ecosystem in which plants are strong enough to resist pests and diseases. In countries where synthetic chemicals are commonly used in gardening, interest in organic gardening is growing.

Five Good things of Organic Foods

Free from pesticide
The chemical can control bug and diseases but harmful to human
Free from artificial fertilizer
These chemical fertilizer make grow plant fast but gradually kill human
More benefit from natural food
Organically grown foods have more nutrition and taste
Keep earth their natural condition
If we use land and soil on their natural statues, we prevent contamination earth and air.
We will enjoy more longer life
Natural life will produce less strained body and mind that consequences reduce medical expenses

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